365英国上市杜波依斯分校 basketball teams close out season; players, coach honored

<a href='http://8q5.craftsplusart.com'>365英国上市</a>杜波依斯分校 junior guard Shannon Shaw shoots a three pointer during a basketball game this season at the PAW Center. Shaw was selected as an honorable mention team member for the PSUAC this season.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校 junior guard Shannon Shaw shoots a three pointer during a basketball game this season at the PAW Center. Shaw was selected as an honorable mention team member for the PSUAC this season.


杜布瓦,爸爸. -运动队, 有一种说法是,只有一支球队能够以胜利结束一个赛季, 赢得冠军的队. 经历了一个跌宕起伏的季节, 高潮和低谷, both the men’s and women’s basketball teams at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 can be proud. While they didn’t finish the season with a win, both teams had seasons to be remembered.

上周, both the Nittany Lions and Lady Lions entered the 宾西法尼亚 State University Athletic Conference (PSUAC) championship playoffs. Both teams entered as the fourth seed from the west division and faced a tough road to secure the championship.

女队的种子队看到了女狮子队和宾夕法尼亚州立河狸队的比赛, a nationally ranked team who didn’t lose a game within the PSUAC all season. 在本赛季两队之间的前两场比赛中, 杜波依斯打得很努力,在两场比赛中都落后于比弗. 在季后赛中, 杜波依斯再次和比弗一起度过了第一节, 以17比10落后. 丽贝卡·马丁带领女狮队开始比赛, 第一节他就靠两个三分球得了6分. 塔拉·利默在这一节也贡献了5个篮板. 即使在第二节之后,海狸队将领先优势扩大到39-25, it didn’t feel like the Lady Lions were out of the contest and a strong third quarter could see the game even out. Frances Milliron and Martin each netted five points in the second quarter to keep 杜波依斯 close.

不幸的是, 第三节的高潮没能实现, with Beaver outscoring 杜波依斯 by 12 points in the third quarter and nine in the fourth to secure an 80-45 win in the PSUAC quarterfinals. 马丁以19分和6个篮板领跑了狮女队. Natalie Bowser finished the game with eight points and 12 rebounds and Leamer secured double digit rebounds as well with 13.

这场失利让狮女队的赛季划上了句号, 以11胜12负的战绩结束比赛, 包括9-10在PSUAC. 尽管损失惨重, there are many positive points to reflect upon that show a great future for the women’s basketball team at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校.

The men’s team opened their playoff run by making the trip to visit Penn State Mont Alto, PSUAC西部赛区的头号种子队. 在游戏中, 尼塔尼雄狮队在客场表现出色, 以98比87的压倒性优势战胜了蒙托.

杜波依斯展示了一个平衡的进攻,投篮51分.6%来自现场. 卡莱布·普赖尔以令人印象深刻的20分领跑, 乔丁·萨默斯(17分), 博·维尔迪尔(15分), 哈哈哈(20分)也做出了重要贡献. 尼塔尼狮子队在三分线外表现出色,投进58分.8%的三分命中率.

The first half ended in a 34-34 tie, setting the stage for a competitive second half. 然而, 杜波依斯找到了他们的节奏, 最后一节爆发64分,确保98-87的胜利. 他们的进攻能力, 加上坚实的防守, 让他们拉开比分,赢得比赛.

阿尔托山战斗激烈,但无法遏制杜波依斯的进攻火力. The home team relied on a balanced scoring effort, with Caleb Eckert leading the way 14分. 尽管他们努力了, 杜波依斯’ efficient scoring and ability to capitalize on turnovers made the difference.

在四分之一决赛中获胜, 尼塔尼雄狮队晋级半决赛,迎战365英国上市约克队. 比赛开始时是两队之间的一场来回较量, 上半场结束时,杜波依斯以微弱的两分领先, 39-37. A balanced team scoring effort for the Nittany Lions aided in securing the lead, with Harbin leading the team in scoring at the half with 11 points coming off the bench. Jaiquil Johnson also contributed nine points in the first half and Verdill pulled in four rebounds.

下半场,尼塔尼狮子队又有了一次强有力的射门, 投篮命中率接近42%. 然而, 他们很少在罚球线上投篮, 下半场只罚了两次球. The free throw lines at both ends of the court would hurt 杜波依斯 in the half, 约克19罚14中, 帮助他们抓住并牢牢抓住线索, 以77比69的比分赢得决赛. 哈尔滨以22分10篮板的两双领先杜布瓦. Verdill, Pryor and Ashton Fortson also scored in double figures for the Nittany Lions, 14分, 分别是10分和12分.

杜布瓦以15胜15负的成绩结束了这个赛季, PSUAC 9-10, 这是丹·斯梅教练执教该项目的第一个赛季. 有年轻的天才球员, 未来还会有更多, hopes are high at 杜波依斯 that the Nittany Lions will once again be playing for a PSUAC championship very soon.

在常规赛结束时, PSUAC公布了他们的季后赛奖项 that included honors for several members of the basketball teams at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校. Freshman Natalie Bowser was named to the west division first team after averaging 15.每场5分,12分.本赛季场均4个篮板. Junior Shannon Shaw was named as an honorable mention for the conference after averaging 12.9分,4分.0篮板2分.本赛季场均6次助攻. Her season was cut short due to injury, which forced her to miss the final three games of the year. Shaw was also chosen as the recipient of the John Fritz Sportsmanship Award for the women’s basketball team as well.

在男子方面, 大四学生Jaiquil Johnson是奖项评选的头条新闻, 成为西区一队的一员.  他场均19分.本赛季场均6分,并拿到95个篮板. 约翰逊本赛季还有53次助攻和35次抢断. 另一个球员奖, freshman Alex Preston was selected as the John Fritz Sportsmanship Award recipient for the men’s basketball team this year.

Players weren’t the only people winning awards this year for the men’s basketball team; Head Coach Dan Smay was selected as the PSUAC coach of the year as well. Smay took charge of a team that went 10-17 last season and immediately made an impact, 帮助球队在本赛季取得15胜15负的战绩. 球队也自2016年以来首次重返PSUAC季后赛.

随着篮球赛季的结束, 这也为365英国上市杜波依斯分校的冬季运动季画上了句号. 下个星期, 我们将开始强调春季运动季节, 与信息和回顾有关棒球和垒球队.

For complete athletic schedules, including any weather-related changes, visit the 365英国上市杜波依斯体育网站.